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of Training in Angel Academy

Every day in my life, I'm trying to be good,it's a kind of training,it's Angel Academy

that’s the reality
Sunday, November 27, 2011

cuteness in packaging is almost always a weak spot in girls when it comes to all the beauty products (or maybe other products too)

so the other day, i bought this lip balm in a mini ice cream tub for myself


(ignore my messy hair, please >_> it was the fan, alright)


i also bought another lip gloss in mini cupcake packaging for sis.


that’s cuteness overdosed! (ala Miao&Wafu, Pafu )


then, when i wanted to try it out, i figured it was kinda hard to apply it on my lips..fingers or brush?? you cant even twist to push it out..and i went, ‘damn..’




well, that’s cuteness versus practicality when it comes to reality.




but i know one thing that cant be wrong. i did my straightening perm at a salon and it was really good, worth the price tho it was not cheap. it can last at least 2 years depending on how you manage or care for your hair.


and you know when it comes to managing long hair, it takes huge effort buying stuff and slapping it onto your hair and then rinse it and then style it. (and luckily mine was straightened, but still..)


so when i saw this on Watson’s shelf, i bought it.



it was Dove’s Damage Therapy Intense Repair series’s Daily Treatment Conditioner, which, well, combines the treatment  solutions and conditioner.


If you’ve been using Dove, you’d know how soft and smooth your hair can get with the conditioner. i think my hair definitely need it to prevent more split ends.


i think i also need creams/blams/serums for my rough hands,dry lips,spots and large pores…..#girlsendlesswoes








sometimes im just too lazy to put anything on myself..




that’s the reality.

kissed love @12:33 PM

Sunday, October 2, 2011

i mean..for makeup, that is.




well, you know girls.


some things, we do swear by it (IF, say, has been ‘living’ with it for a few years.)


but for a lot others, just like fashion, changes every season LOL..XD


alright craps off.


here, i’ve tried two of these not-so-new products:



the Follow Me Oil Control+Whitening Poreless Blackhead Remover.


it actually exfoliates stuff from your T-Zone and chin like magic!

(yea i know i loved my egg-white mask before, i still do, but sometimes it is just so hard to not admit the new found love! LOL)





and Maybeline’s Baby Lips SPF20 Lip Balm in Smoothing Cherry.

i’d usually get the dead skin cells or dry flakes when i rub off other balms,coloured or not , from my lips. but this one? it stays true to me (my lips, i mean).

proven loyalty! XD it promises baby lips in just ONE WEEK!!


itching to try?

go on, i know you want to ditch your old one! ;)

=bad influence=


kissed love @4:13 PM

Vain bug attack – read at your own risk!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

this should have been an earlier post but i just dont have the ‘omph’ and time to do it =S


anyway, in a ‘rare’ occasion when the vain bug bites, i decided to..get vain..=.=x


remember i got these?



just picked some of the pieces to do ..well..these..



for a dressy fancy night!! =D

just love the tulle!

if you dont get it, check this Chriselle’s video out:




erm..very work/prim and proper look with the printed lace on the fabric..and i added the ribbon myself!


and i decided to add more white pieces to my wardrobe so i got this:


it’s great for a cold weather/environment!

i know the red is a lil weird so i guess pairing it with a darker/mute colour is better..

but it is damn comfy!! =D



oh!oh! im not sure whether you all have seen this video: *video link* 

i tried it (in my room,that is =_= )

damn cool alright?


 P9250082 P9250083 P9250084 P9250085

basically it’s about re-tie-ing your bf’s shirts (well, or any large sized shirts)..

Yay to recycling and sharing bliss! =D

*wink wink*

tho i’d advise to use NuBra and sticking double-sided tape at the sides to avoid it slipping off..


oh!oh! and another one which is also a must-try:

 P9250086 P9250087    


wicked,huh? =D


alright, bed is calling.


enjoy learning it!



kissed love @1:13 AM

That’s life! <3
Sunday, September 18, 2011


when people have ‘jet lag’, i have ‘trip lag’..=_=

still feels so tired.. T_T


*fighting the urge to sleep*


the thing is, i cant believe my trusty shopping bag was full just after a lil more than an hour..*gasp*



can say that times square is my heaven ,LOL..

the only down point was i had to change into my spare flat coz the newly bought heels was too much for me to bear in a shopping trip..


a good thing i decided to bring along my spare flat..=0


ah but it’s all worth it!!


look at ‘em:


will do a separate post on these soon! =D








also had a great time meeting up with my babe yunyi!


awwwww..just love her sooooo much!


not forgetting the family



but yea i know tiredness has crawled up to my face..T_____T

note to self: shall do the masks tonight!




oh and by the way, loving the restaurant Fu Tien now! so if you’re near the Ipoh Bestari area, do give it a try (and it’s vegetarian!)


[again , that tired look before nom-ing T_T]




speaking of nom-ing, got this sample of Julie’s Oat 25 ,One Million Packs of Love (think it’s strawberry and oats)



this is ..erm..nom-ed in the car on the way out..coz too hungry..T_T


*sigh* trip-lag huh..


ok tomorrow’s task is calling..

*recharge energy* =_=x

kissed love @10:30 PM

Thursday, September 15, 2011

just a really quick post before i go off..


while i was applying my layers of night time skin care products just now..i just couldnt resist but decided to share this out with you all..


i have these 3 tubes that i totally fell in love with..not only they are cheap and on open shelves in the stores, but also very effective in fighting off my skin problems..

look at ‘em..



the green capped tube on the right is the Follow Me Oil Control + Whitening Spotless Pimple Gel..

i know we have quite a number of pimple ‘paste’ and gel on the market, but this one, not that it kills the pimples effectively with less harmful ingredients, it leaves no mark on my skin! fab?


another ‘pair’ that i really wanna recommend is the Garnier Light series’ Overnight Whitening Peeling Cream and Dark Spot Corrector Pen, both with lemon essence and other botanical extracts.

there was once i was so emo i didnt even bother to care for the spots until i got worse..and most spot corrector were quite pricey..and i met this!

after just two applications, the spots has greatly reduced,much to my amazement =D i found my savior!

ah! that’s not all, the Overnight Whitening Peeling Cream left my skin feeling fresh and much fairer, absolutely fabulous in the morning!

ha! i know you wanna try them now! dont you?


oh, and bye!

kissed love @11:00 PM

Clear Skin with Aspirin?
Sunday, September 4, 2011

heard about the aspirin mask some time ago..

just like the egg white mask, it’s not something new..

look at Michelle Phan’s video:


clear skin?! i want!

tho it might caused the skin to be slightly dry and a little more sensitive (totally more solvable than acne,no?), it says to greatly reduce redness, black and white heads, reduce irritation&inflamation..also control oils and tighten pores!

eeeeek! i wanna try it too!



i used Disprin, Soluble Aspirin


like this:


i got it for RM1.80 for 8 tablets pack from Watsons.


errrrr..well..i seriously dont wanna scare you all off with my ugly look with the mask..

but i can be sure that it really gave me the smooth exfoliated feeling, and pores seem to be tighter too..it’s squeaky clean!

it is said that it should help to reduce the redness and inflammation in acne skin too!


but be sure to put on lotions,essences,and moisturisers as it could be slightly drying, thus one shall not do it more than twice a week.



other Michelle Phan’s DIY remedies videos:





oh gosh..so tempted to try ‘em all now!

dont you??


kissed love @11:44 PM

The Challenge-part 4
Saturday, September 3, 2011

ah..finally! after makeup, it’s time to clean it..nicely and gently..


oh how i HATE removing makeup ..

dont you??


and choosing the right makeup remover is so important, or it’ll kill our skin! (also can use vaseline and baby oil..but..you know..)


and talk about waterproof makeup!! goodness!! if it was lousy then yea it will come off easily..WITH SMUDGES..

but if it is that good..like Maybeline LONG EXTREME STILETTO Waterproof Mascara, then i need a strong BUT gentle agent to clean my face of makeup..



now, Biore has this makeup remover / cleansing oil in cotton..


and there’s even the convenient pack to be put in the bag! 

so i tried it the other day, and it has no sticky oily feelings on the skin but just, cleaned!


(notice the difference on the eyes~)



so when i need to remove makeup,i’ll just pop it open, and pull one out, start cleaning, and say hello to clean fresh skin.


have you got yours?? =D


kissed love @12:58 PM