ok i think the prophecy has it that i will definitely spend in a book fair.. and here’s the proof..

luckily the novels cost RM5 each and the CLEO is RM5.80 (now why do i remember it being RM5.60??)
couldnt help when they are throwing out the slightly damaged books to the RM5 pile and the addiction revived =_____=
this is the book fair, dont even mention about the NovelHut second hand bookstore im telling you..
(the truth is, i still have 8 books in a pile beside my table,waiting to be read=_____= see that now?)
and for bonus, i got a red bomb from a classmate from primary school.. not to forget, cousin’s wedding too..
*sigh* i know..OLD..dont mention it..im so going to buy that Hada Labo lotion soon..and of course with alot of other ‘necessities’..talk about the ‘addiction’..=.=
ok, now did i just revived my blog?
well just in case i wander off without writing anything AGAIN..
(the same happened to my photoshoot idea, which i’ve STILL done nothing yet, but it’s not like it’s important anyway *cough*)
i have been so sick i only remember lying on bed, dragging myself to work and how i suffered through it..=_=
i dont even bother to touch my laptop.. (news!)
anyway, once im better, Pirates of the Caribbean it is..
and i was so awed by the mermaid scenes..like this:
and my favourite:
Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey! pretty naturally innocent..no?
ah..the cough is catching up again..it just wont give up..*sigh* made me vomit out my lunch yesterday after i came home from movie =_=
i better use this remaining time to research for remedies to kill it..before the night reaches and i have to cough my lungs out til dawn..
frankly, til i have better idea of what to blog about..=_=
things are finally,erm,looking up (i think), so,yay. Please continue to bless me for all that are coming. *pray hard*
so what’s with Foursquare?
ONE wrong click and i got comments saying/asking how on earth did i go from Ipoh to Penang in such a short time. =_=”
blame Foursquare and Old Town White Coffee having branches in the whole nation.
nah. I’m just joking. I forgot to check the details of the match Foursquare gave.
wait. YOU decided where I was for ME?? *jaw drops*
*forehead rests on hand* now i know why.
speaking of which, recently i was trying to, you know, get into the ‘checking-in’ and ‘attaining mayorship’ trend.
like, we were there in a hotpot restaurant for mothers’ day early celebration on saturday and sort.
but. unfortunately it didnt work for me.
either people were there and it was too rude/busy to take out the phone and check in during important gatherings,
or that place was just too inappropriate (for any reasons, mainly about disclosing the company/people’s whereabouts too much) to check in.
but one thing it sure did well.
whenever there are major events, and all check in at the same place around the same time, it gives that kind of ‘wave’ of social media ads like Twitter Trends#. (yea imagine the #Bieliebers.)
oh wait. another one. you can ‘bump’ into your friends and say ‘Hi!’ as you scroll through your Foursquare page. but watch out the steps. =p
OK. *serious face* use it wisely. like, i let relevant people know where i am when i’m out somewhere far, just in case i got kidnapped (whether or not because of Foursquare). =_= #ultracontradiction
oh wait, i almost forgot!
Just checked in @ http://vivienne-vvt.blogspot.com,
Angel Academy, Cosmic Tower 2, Cosmic Space A~bove.
there. did it.